Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Herakles Driving a Bull to Sacrifice

OK so I love the Greek and Roman history. I am not sure what I love about it but I know that a lot of it fascinates me. I am also a Disney freak (don't judge me :P) and when I first saw this, the first thing that came to my mind was the Disney movie Hercules. The reason why was cause one it's Herakles (go figure) and two, I remember seeing the artist painting Hercules in the same pose on the pot. Now I can't get the song out of my head. If you haven't seen the movie, I loved it and I recommend it :).  

This painting is on page 120 and it shows two different versions. I liked the Andokides Painter, which is the one that I posted, better than the Lysippides Painter. The Lysippides basically is a silhouetted figure with the reddish color in the background. The Andokides is the reverse. The figure is the reddish color and the background is the silhouette. Part of the reason why I like the Andokides is because I like things to be in color instead of just black and the other reason is I can make out the details better than what I could with the Lysippides. I feel like if something has a lot of color to it, it catches my eye. This piece also looks more original to me. What do you think?