Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Herakles Driving a Bull to Sacrifice

OK so I love the Greek and Roman history. I am not sure what I love about it but I know that a lot of it fascinates me. I am also a Disney freak (don't judge me :P) and when I first saw this, the first thing that came to my mind was the Disney movie Hercules. The reason why was cause one it's Herakles (go figure) and two, I remember seeing the artist painting Hercules in the same pose on the pot. Now I can't get the song out of my head. If you haven't seen the movie, I loved it and I recommend it :).  

This painting is on page 120 and it shows two different versions. I liked the Andokides Painter, which is the one that I posted, better than the Lysippides Painter. The Lysippides basically is a silhouetted figure with the reddish color in the background. The Andokides is the reverse. The figure is the reddish color and the background is the silhouette. Part of the reason why I like the Andokides is because I like things to be in color instead of just black and the other reason is I can make out the details better than what I could with the Lysippides. I feel like if something has a lot of color to it, it catches my eye. This piece also looks more original to me. What do you think?


  1. The whole Greek mythology is intriguing to me as well.....the pic is a great example

  2. This is a great comparison of two different objects. I would love it if I could see both of them here since you discuss them both.

  3. I know the scene in Hercules that you are referencing about. I thought the same thing when I saw this piece. Im more into the Greek mythology than the art but that is just me.

  4. I love the way you compared hurcules with the painting. i am a person that like roman art as well so i can relate to what you are saying. This image is amazing to me because it shows the power of the image and it shows how great this art has become.

  5. I like this painting as well. I like the colors and how his head is covered by a lion. I also like that you compare it to Hercules. I am also a Disney freak. I love Disney movies including Hercules.

  6. you know I completely forgot about that part in Hercules until you mentioned it haha. I think the piece if interesting cause even though he's wearing a lion suit holding a spear he's smiling or has some sort of grin on.

  7. Ceramics is a very precise art form. You have to balance many variables in creating pottery. An amazing field of art. I agree with you that the red-figure technique illustrates details better than the Lysippides figures. You can see Herakles wears a lion's hide and carries some items on his arm, possibly a quiver for his arrows. I feel the black-figure technique has better textural forms though. It seems to have a deeper value than the red-figure technique. Even so, I prefer the illustrations of the Andokides Painter as well. The designs still testify to the skill of the artist. I wonder how much it's worth?
